5 Reasons Why a PhD Degree is Worth it!

4 min readAug 27, 2021


Image From Marwadi University

PhD degree is not a simple feat to accomplish — it needs lots of hard work, research and determination. Though, the degree is worthy enough for building a great career, enhancing your personality and creating a difference in the world. Read this post to know why a PhD degree is worth it!

Well, deciding whether you should pursue a PhD or not can be quite a challenging task because achieving a PhD degree is not a child’s play. A PhD degree can be tiring, emotionally exhausting and demanding — you need to dedicate endless hours solely to research.

However, even with all these facts, a PhD degree is worthwhile for sure. Whichever research or PhD course you’re pursuing, you can impact the world with the research, knowledge and expertise you exhibit in your research projects.

So, if you’re wondering whether you should consider doing a PhD or not, then check out some reasons why you should get a PhD Degree — you never know the PhD benefits might help you make a decision!

Benefits of Doing a PhD Course:

Making a Difference through the Research

One of the driving forces for an expected PhD student is — passion for research. The satisfaction and happiness you get by researching a subject you’re passionate about are priceless. What you do with this research makes all the hard work worthy.

In a PhD or research course, you research in your chosen field, and if your findings are relevant, experts may take them as a reference for future research students. You will advance the knowledge of people of the world and create a difference with your passion and research.

Boost Career Opportunities

If you dream of becoming an academic researcher or professor, then a research degree is a perfect suit for you. PhD degree is the highest educational qualification, and so it will definitely help you stay ahead of the pack when you are exploring multiple career opportunities.

You get career opportunities post PhD that you may not end up getting with a bachelor’s or master’s degree. You can get your doorways to a career in any industry except academia also. PhD programme makes you ready with all the skills that employers seek for in job-seekers.

­­­­­­Get Expertise in the Chosen Field of Study

Pursuing a PhD means you have gained expertise in the chosen research topic. You can advance your knowledge gained in a master’s degree by choosing a more specialized PhD study topic of your interest. You get the highest level of knowledge with in-depth study in the field.

PhD studies will assist you to go deeper into areas and challenges in the field, improve conceptual tactics and put those concepts in an application through the research conducted. So, choose your specialized area of study wisely because your whole PhD will be on that basis.

Develop Transferable Skills

Along with research and writing your PhD thesis, you earn several transferable skills in your journey of obtaining a PhD degree. One of the main PhD benefits is gaining skills that stay for a lifetime and help you progress in your career.

In the PhD course, you build an exceptional network, may get a chance to present your work at academic conferences and develop excellent presentation and public speaking skills. You also gain teaching abilities, as you can teach in undergraduate when pursuing your PhD degree.

Great Networking Opportunities

PhD degree gives you an excellent opportunity to connect with experts, professionals and batch mates that share the same interest and passion in your chosen field of research. Besides that, you can build other new connections in your PhD when you attend conferences overseas.

When you network with your peers and experts in the field, you increase your knowledge, develop newer perspectives and get academic help when needed. Moreover, connections with peers can prove to be helpful to you in finding work in the future if required.

Hope we have cleared all your uncertainty related to PhD degree. The only thing you need to pay attention to after deciding to pursue a PhD degree is the institute you consider applying into. A great institute plays an essential role in your personality and career development.

You can pursue your PhD degree at Marwadi University. Marwadi University is a NAAC A+ institute, which provides students with the finest education using a practical learning approach. Moreover, you can benefit from the advanced research facilities available at Marwadi University while pursuing your PhD.




An avid writer that writes on anything that comes into his mind.